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On average, a person needs from 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep a night. 然而, 由于种种原因,大多数人每晚只能睡6个多小时.

One out of six people suffers from a sleep disorder, with over 60 different sleep disorders documented. 最常见的障碍是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停和不自主运动障碍.

西方睡眠医学在Box Butte总医院的医学艺术广场进行睡眠研究, Box Butte大街2091号.400套房. The suite's two sleep study bedrooms are optimally located to provide a quiet, private setting for patients.

Referrals are accepted from primary care providers.

请致电308.762.4357年,Ext. 3489或分机. 3342 for more information. If there is no answer, be sure to leave a voice message. The nurse on duty will return your call.