劳动 & 交付
Every baby delivered at Box Butte总医院 is a unique and rewarding experience because everything at BBGH is designed to make the occasion as comforting and memorable as possible, 从IM电竞App官网的产房到产房.
Our labor and delivery suites are designed to allow moms to labor and deliver in the same room and then spend several hours with the baby and family without having to be moved. 每个套房提供一个舒适的, 宽敞的家庭氛围,为直系亲属, with oak accents and a custom built oak headwall system that conceals medical equipment while keeping it close at hand. Our special birthing beds adjust to a variety of positions for your comfort during labor and delivery. 每个套房都有躺椅、摇椅、电视和CD播放器,可以播放你喜欢的音乐.
从那里, 母亲和孩子可以在IM电竞App官网的产后套房舒适地休养生息, 装饰以提供一种常态, 在分娩后的短暂逗留期间,为家人提供家一般的环境.
Karen Aerts-Curtiss provides pre-natal Childbirth Education Classes every year for the expecting family. 每个系列课程的时间表有所不同,请联系308.762.6660 ext. 3034.