What is a Hospitalist?
A Hospitalist is a physician or mid-level provider who cares for patients while they are hospitalized. They often have advanced training in Internal Medicine. They do not see patients in a clinical or outpatient setting.
What are the advantages of having a Hospitalist program?
病人的好处是由一个完全专注于住院病人护理的医生来看病. The patient’s medical team on the Patient Care Unit staff has access to a Hospitalist 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 对可能需要立即关注的患者病情变化作出反应,并回答患者或其家属可能提出的任何问题.
住院医师向患者的初级保健提供者提供患者住院期间病情变化的最新情况. The Hospitalist also makes the discharge arrangements for the patient, prescribing take-home medications and instructions for self-care. When the patient is discharged, 住院医师与患者的初级保健提供者联系,并向初级保健提供者提供患者住院期间护理的摘要报告
If the patient doesn’t have a primary care provider, the Hospitalist can assist the patient in setting up an appointment prior to being discharged from the hospital. Ongoing care is often necessary for a healthy life style. BBGH强烈倡导每个人都与他们选择的初级保健提供者建立关系,以满足他们的卫生保健需求.
The Hospitalist Service also provides much needed relief for the patient’s primary care provider. 在没有住院医师计划的机构工作的医疗服务提供者必须将他们的时间分配给他们在诊所的职责和在医院的病人, and often have to take calls overnight from nursing staff when a hospitalized patient’s condition changes. However, providers who partner with a Hospitalist can focus just on seeing their patients in their clinics, resulting in less wait time and elimination of interruptions due to being called to the hospital. The service also allows primary care providers more downtime to be with family or enjoy more personal time off.
How does the Hospitalist program work at Box Butte General Hospital?
Daytime Hospitalist service – Box Butte General Hospital utilizes In-house Hospitalists during the day, 谁在他们的护理中亲自访问和监测患者,并在患者或家属需要信息或有疑虑时回答问题.
夜间电子医院服务——Box Butte总医院在晚上利用Bryan远程医疗提供的电子医院服务. The E-Hospitalist is off-site, utilizing advanced technology via a specially made medical cart that has a high resolution monitor, high definition camera, and peripheral devices that allows the nurse, patient and E-Hospitalist to interact as if the E-Hospitalist was physically present.