

IM电竞App官网非常高兴能有机会让您考虑在IM电竞App官网的文化中实践,努力实现IM电竞App官网成为“最好的接受护理的地方”的愿景, the greatest place to work and the greatest place to practice medicine."箱丘总医院, accredited by 联合委员会 since 1976, 正如IM电竞App官网的使命宣言所述,尽一切努力领导和创新医疗保健服务和健康促进.  Our 急诊科 is staffed with a provider 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and boasts having most of its nursing staff nationally certified emergency nurses, a higher percentage of CENs than most trauma centers nationwide.  Our 伤口护理 Department has an Advanced Practice Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurse Practitioner, 内布拉斯加州唯一获得认证的.  Our dialysis unit has been ranked number one in the State of Nebraska for the management of anemia.  We feature nationally certified programming in diabetic education.  IM电竞App官网的注册麻醉师护士是美国疼痛管理学会的会员.  另外, our orthopedic program is becoming a provider of choice in the Panhandle of Western Nebraska. Our Urology specialist is rated as one of the Top Docs in the nation.

最后但同样重要的, in 2015 we opened a $40-million new addition renovation project that was completed in January of 2017. IM电竞App官网还添加了康复中心 & 健康中心 to our list of renovations, and the state-of-the-art space was completed in 2017 as well.  

As we strive to provide the right care to the right patient every time, we are also dedicated to being responsive to the individual needs of our patients and their families. 整个博斯比特综合医院的大家庭都理解并感谢病人对IM电竞App官网神圣的信任,让IM电竞App官网照顾他们.   正是出于这个原因,IM电竞App官网利用诸如TeamSTEPPS和患者体验倡议等举措来赢得公众对IM电竞App官网的信任.  在为所有人提供定制护理时,了解患者及其亲人的观点很重要,并认识到在农村地区照顾家庭成员的特权, 朋友, 和邻居.  在一个安全和高质量的环境中练习和为你的病人提供个性化护理之间的平衡是你将在Box Butte综合医院实现的平衡.


Lori Mazanec
Box Butte总医院